Are you brave enough to venture into Totraum in Rebellion's new game?

Are you brave enough to venture into Totraum in Rebellion's new game?

Rebellion the studio behind the likes of Alien Vs. Predator and Sniper Elite V2 have released a new teaser trailer for a game debuting February 14th, just in time for Valentines Day!

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> the trailer it's looking like we can be expecting a little more from Sniper Elite, however we've been teased about a sinister evil a-foot! Amidst the chaos of war, there are worse things to fear than bombs and bullets... perhaps the undead?

We're thinking zombies at war, which has of course been seen in many a game, however with the extreme fun of Sniper Elite V2, perhaps there is more than your average game to be found?

If fans are brave enough to venture into 'Totraum', get ready February 14th 2013, sorry PC gamers only!