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Cities: Skylines II feature highlights 4-6

Take a look at the second three feature highlights of Cities: Skylines II, covering Zones & Signature Buildings, City Services and Electricity & Water

Paradox have released the second three videos in a series of feature highlights which showcase the new and improved aspects of the game, ranging from familiar features that have been expanded, to elements brand new to the franchise. The second three feature highlights that have been revealed so far: Zones & Signature Buildings, City Services and Electricity & Water.

Feature Highlight 4: Zones & Signature Buildings

One of the most exciting features of Cities Skylines II is the ability to create zones and signature buildings. Zones are areas of your city that have a distinct identity, such as a downtown, a suburb, an industrial park or a tourist hotspot. You can customize the look and feel of each zone by choosing from a variety of styles, such as European, American, Asian or futuristic. You can also adjust the density, height and colour of the buildings in each zone, as well as the road layout and landscaping.

Signature buildings are unique structures that you can place in your city to give it more character and flair. They can be landmarks, monuments, skyscrapers or even giant statues. You can choose from a library of pre-made signature buildings, or create your own using a powerful editor. Signature buildings can have special effects on your city, such as boosting tourism, attracting businesses or increasing happiness.

Zones and signature buildings will allow you to create a city that reflects your vision and personality.

Feature Highlight 5: City Services

Another feature that will make your city more realistic and challenging is the improved city services system. City services are essential for the well-being of your citizens and the functioning of your economy. They include things like water, electricity, waste management, health care, education, fire safety, police, public transport and more.

In Cities Skylines II, you will have more control and options over how you provide these services to your city. You can choose from different types of service buildings, such as coal or nuclear power plants, recycling or incineration centres, hospitals or clinics, schools or universities, etc. You can also customize the appearance and capacity of each service building by adding modules, such as solar panels, helipads or extra classrooms.

You will also have to deal with the challenges and consequences of providing these services to your city. For example, you will have to balance the demand and supply of water and electricity, as well as their environmental impact. You will have to manage the traffic flow and congestion caused by service vehicles and public transport. You will have to cope with disasters and emergencies that may affect your service infrastructure.

City services will make your city more alive and dynamic.

Feature Highlight 6: Electricity & Water

One of the most important aspects of city services is electricity and water. Without them, your city will not function properly. In Cities Skylines II, you will have more options and challenges when it comes to providing these vital resources to your city.

You can choose from different sources of electricity generation, such as coal, oil, gas, nuclear, wind, solar or hydro power. Each source has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, reliability and environmental impact. You can also use batteries or power lines to store and distribute electricity across your city.

You can also choose from different sources of water supply, such as rivers, lakes, reservoirs or desalination plants. Each source has its own challenges in terms of availability, quality and pollution. You can also use pipes or canals to transport water across your city.

You will have to monitor the demand and supply of electricity and water in your city, as well as their effects on your budget and environment. You will have to deal with power outages or water shortages that may occur due to natural disasters or human errors.

Electricity and water will make your city more realistic and complex.