Settle down with the A Games of Dwarves dev diary

Settle down with the A Games of Dwarves dev diary

GDC isn't all about new announcements, especially when you consider many Publisher's current lineups for the year already. Paradox have dug into their list of unreleased titles and released a short dev diary for their upcoming title A Game of Dwarves.

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Game of Dwarves, players take on the role of a dwarven prince who is charged with managing a colony of bearded fellows as they collect resources and gold, conduct research to aid with digging and building, and level up the masses to become powerful warriors, or master craftsmen. Building your settlement up is the aim in this strategic game that will see you fending off creatures that invade your dwarven fortress.

A Game of Dwarves does not yet have a scheduled release date, but will be digging it's way onto your PC in the near future.