Crusader Kings II Seven Deadly Sins Piracy trailer

Crusader Kings II Seven Deadly Sins Piracy trailer

Rejoice! THIS Year's grand strategy game to rule them all; Crusader Kings II is now officially out! So Paradox weren't going to miss out the last trailer in the fantastic live action series. Entitled Piracy it doesn't teach you any tricks at your disposal in the game, but it does strive for a little encouragement in Paradox's endeavour.

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Well there you have it, one of the finest marketing campaigns for a game for a very long while, if you've yet to be swayed towards one of the most addictive games that we've played since The Sims, well you might also want to check out the Launch Trailer.

" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>Crusader Kings II is available now for £29.99, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for our review shortly, it'll be a good'en!